At the moment Rampini Ceramics offers 87 different designs and design variants.
This page gives on overview of all our designs and some design variants
we produce often. In our experience, not all designs work equally well
on all kinds of pieces. We therefore include information on whether we
typically paint a design on a certain type of shape.
The price level of a design depends on the time employed to paint the
pattern. More economical designs are not less beautiful, just faster to
paint. On this basis we have divided our patterns into price groups which
are given in the following list. Every piece then
has an actual price attached for the different price levels. There is no
difference in quality of the ceramics between different price groups.
This page lists all designs; an alternative, slightly more compact page puts
related designs into groups. Not all of our
patterns are presented on this site - should you be interested
in a decoration which is not included on
the website, for example to extend an existing set, please get
in touch.
Code |
Name |
Sample |
Price level |
Tableware |
Decorative Pieces |
Kitchenware |
ANM001 |
Animali prezzemolo su giallo, - Animals with Parsley Motif on Yellow |
D |
y |
n |
y |
ANM002 |
Animali prezzemolo su bianco - Animals with Parsley Motif on White |
D |
y |
n |
y |
ANM003 |
Animali Caterina di Medici - Animals Caterina di Medici |
D |
y |
n |
y |
ANM004 |
Animali capperi - Animals with Capers Motif |
D |
y |
n |
y |
ANL001 |
Anna Lemons su bianco - Anna Lemons on White |
B |
y |
n |
y |
ANL002 |
Anna Lemons su blu - Anna Lemons on Blu |
C |
y |
n |
y |
BKY001 |
Becky |
B |
y |
n |
y |
BNC001 |
Bianco antico - Antique White |
A |
y |
y |
y |
BLB001 |
Blue and White (different patterns) |
A |
y |
y |
y |
BUR001 |
Burgundy |
C |
y |
y |
y |
CEU001 |
Carciofi - Artichokes |
C |
y |
y |
y |
CEP001 |
Carciofi, peperoncini e melograni - Artichokes, Chilli Peppers and Pomegrenates |
y |
y |
y |
CEP002 |
Carciofi, peperoncini e melograni (senza blu) - Artichokes, Chilli Peppers and Pomegrenates (without blue) |
y |
y |
y |
CNO001 |
Country Olives |
A |
y |
n |
y |
FDL001 |
Fiori di lino - Linseed Flowers |
D |
y |
n |
y |
FDB001 |
Foglie Debora - Debora Leaves |
D |
y |
y |
y |
FDB002 |
Foglie Debora blu - Debora Leaves Blue |
D |
y |
y |
y |
FRA001 |
Frutta antica - Antique Fruit |
B |
y |
y |
y |
FRR001 |
Frutta rossa - Red Fruit |
C |
y |
y |
y |
FBL001 |
Frutta blu - Blue Fruit |
C |
y |
y |
y |
FRM001 |
Frutta su menta - Fruit on Mint |
y |
y |
y |
FRS001 |
Frutta su senape - Fruit on Mustard |
y |
y |
y |
GRS001 |
Girasoli - Sunflowers |
D |
y |
y |
y |
LCH001 |
Lichene - Lichen |
C |
y |
y |
y |
LCH002 |
Lichene red - Lichen Red |
C |
y |
y |
y |
LCH004 |
Lichene mattone - Lichen Brick |
C |
y |
y |
y |
LCH003 |
Lichene yellow - Lichen Yellow |
C |
y |
y |
y |
LMC001 |
Limoncello - Lemon Liquor |
C |
y |
y |
y |
LMC002 |
Limoncello su verde - Lemon Liquor on Green |
B |
y |
y |
y |
ATL001 |
Limoni antichi - Lemons Antique |
D |
y |
y |
y |
LZY001 |
Lucertole su giallo - Lizards on Yellow |
B |
y |
y |
y |
LZY002 |
Lucertole geo - Lizards geo |
C |
y |
y |
y |
MCD001 |
Macedonia su bianco - Fruit Salad on White |
C |
y |
y |
y |
MCD002 |
Macedonia su blu - Fruit Salad on Blue |
D |
y |
y |
y |
PMG001 |
Melograni - Pomegranates |
C |
y |
y |
y |
MNC000 |
Monocolore - Monocolour |
B |
y |
n |
n |
OLB001 |
Olive blu - Olives Blue |
A |
y |
n |
y |
OLY001 |
Olive gialle - Olives Yellow |
A |
y |
n |
y |
OLN001 |
Olive Nico - Olives Nico |
A |
y |
n |
y |
ORT001 |
Ortolana - Garden Vegetables |
y |
y |
n |
PAP001 |
Papaveri - Poppies |
C |
y |
y |
y |
PAN001 |
Pavone Nico - Peacock Nico |
D |
n |
y |
n |
AGL001 |
Peperoncini con aglio - Chilli Peppers with Garlic |
C |
y |
y |
y |
AGL002 |
Peperoncini - Chilli Peppers |
C |
y |
y |
y |
PRM001 |
Primule verdi - Primula Green |
B |
y |
n |
y |
PRM002 |
Primule rosse - Primula Red |
B |
y |
n |
y |
PRM011 |
Primule verdi scuro - Primula Green on dark or alternating |
D |
y |
n |
y |
PRM012 |
Primule rosse scuro - Primula Red on dark or alternating |
D |
y |
n |
y |
QLM001 |
Queen Lemons |
A |
y |
n |
y |
RNW001 |
Rinascimento blu (Blu, Bianco) - Renaissance Blue (on White) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNY001 |
Rinascimento blu e giallo - Renaissance Blue and Yellow |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNB001 |
Rinascimento nero (Nero, Mostarda) - Renaissance Black, Mustard |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO001 |
Rinascimento 1 (Pompeii. Rosso pomodoro, Verde rose - argilla) - Renaissance 1 (Pompeii. Tomato Red, Rose Green - Clay) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO002 |
Rinascimento 2 (Poppy dark red, mostarda) - Renaissance 2 (Poppy Dark Red, Mustard) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO003 |
Rinascimento 3 (Poppy dark red, argilla) - Renaissance 3 (Poppy Dark Red, Clay) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO004 |
Rinascimento 4 (Rosso CAV 5, verde 52 Dolly) - Renaissance 4 (Red CAV 5 Green 52 Dolly) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO005 |
Rinascimento 5 (Verde rose - argilla, Salvia) - Renaissance 5 (Rose Green - Clay, Sage) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO006 |
Rinascimento 6 (mono: rosso antico) - Renaissance 6 (Mono: Antique Red) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO007 |
Rinascimento 7 (Verde rose - salvia, blu cornflower) - Renaissance 7 (Rose Green - Sage, Cornflower Blue) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO008 |
Rinascimento 8 (mono: Verde argilla) - Renaissance 8 (Mono: Clay Green) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO009 |
Rinascimento 9 (Blu medio, rami hilight - dark) - Renaissance 9 (Middle Blue, Copper Hilight - Dark) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO010 |
Rinascimento 10 (mono: poppy dark red) - Renaissance 10 (Mono: Poppy Dark Red) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO011 |
Rinascimento 11 (mono: blu pavone) - Renaissance 11 (Mono: Peacock Blue) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO012 |
Rinascimento 12 (Poppy dark red, verde Ciampi) - Renaissance 12 (Poppy Dark Red, Ciampi Green) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO013 |
Rinascimento 13 (Turk blu, giallo uovo - verde aqua) - Renaissance 13 (Turkish Blue, Egg Yellow - Water Green) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO014 |
Rinascimento 14 (Mostarda, argilla) - Renaissance 14 (Mustard, Clay) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO015 |
Rinascimento 15 (Salvia, argilla) - Renaissance 15 (Sage, Clay) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO016 |
Rinascimento 16 (Dark Red, Turqoise) - Rinascimento 16 (Dark Red, Turqoise) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
RNO018 |
Rinascimento 18 (Giallo e celeste) - Renaissance 18 (Yellow and Sky Blue) |
C |
y |
y |
y |
SAR001 |
Saraceno - Saracen |
C |
y |
n |
y |
SKO001 |
Silky Olives |
B |
y |
y |
y |
SPR001 |
Spring giallo - Spring Yellow |
B |
y |
y |
y |
TAU001 |
Tiziana autunno - Tiziana Autumn |
A |
y |
n |
y |
TSP001 |
Tiziana Spring |
B |
y |
n |
y |
TUT001 |
Tutti frutti |
C |
y |
y |
y |
UGO001 |
Ugo |
C |
y |
n |
y |
UVB001 |
Uva blu e giallo - Grapes, Yellow and Blue |
B |
y |
n |
y |
UVM001 |
Uva Monique - Grapes Monique |
D |
y |
n |
y |
VGN001 |
Vigne - Vines |
C |
y |
n |
y |
VGN002 |
Vigne su blu - Vines on Blue |
n |
y |
y |
VRF001 |
Virgilio foglie - Virgilio Leaves |
C |
y |
n |
y |
VRF002 |
Virgilio foglie rosso - Virgilio Leaves Red |
C |
y |
n |
y |
VRN001 |
Virgilio nodi - Virgilio Ropes |
D |
y |
n |
y |
VRN002 |
Virgilio nodi rosso - Virgilio Ropes Red |
D |
y |
n |
y |
VRL001 |
Virgilio ventagli - Virgilio Fans |
D |
y |
n |
y |
VRL002 |
Virgilio ventagli rosso - Virgilio Fans Red |
D |
y |
n |
y |
WND002 |
Wanda rosso - Wanda Red |
A |
y |
n |
y |