Tiziana autunnoTiziana autunno - Tiziana Autumn

Collection > Designs and Patterns > Tiziana autunno - Tiziana Autumn

This design, named after our artist Tiziana Rampini, represents the strong gold, green and brown colours which are typical of the vineyards and woodlands that surround us during the months of October and November - our fall!

Tiziana Autumn

Tiziana autunno - Tiziana Autumn

Code: TAU001
Price level: A.
(Actual cost depends on price of chosen pieces.)

Recommended for:
Tableware - y
Decorative pieces - n
Kitchenware - y


Shape: CT10 Small bowl 10 
Shape: CT10
Small bowl 10
Shape: SPP0 Salt and pepper set 
Shape: SPP0
Salt and pepper set
Shape: SPP0 Salt and pepper set 
Shape: SPP0
Salt and pepper set

Animali (ANM) For further information and to order contact@rampiniceramics.com.
Due to the characteristics of monitors the colours in images may vary from the original ceramics pieces.
Copyright © 2009 Rampini Ceramics (all text and images).